User's Guide

LX4 User Guide Rajant Corporation
Version: 2.02 03-100117-001
128 – Failed to checksum file system image.
129 – Failed to create directory for next file system image.
131 – Failed to mount next file system image.
132 – Failed to create directory for settings.
133 – Failed to copy current settings to next file system image.
134 – Failed to unmount next file system image.
141 – Error retrieving flash file.
ME2 Firmware Upgrade Codes (2*)
21 – Flash image file does not exist.
22 – Current flash image version is greater than or equal to versions of files found on the USB
23 – No flash image files found.
24 – Unable to mount USB drive.
25 – Kernel corrupted.
26 – FS corrupted.
27 – Unmounting of old root file system failed.
28 – Mounting of USB drive failed.
29 – flashunbundle failed.
211 – Version information in flash file name and breadcrumb-build info.conf do not match.
212 – In Failsafe mode, but no USB drive detected.
Self-Test Codes (3*)
31 – Hardware configuration not set. Factory initialization required.
311 – InstaMesh license update required.
32 – BreadCrumb has been zeroized.
321 – BreadCrumb is being zeroized.
33 – Radio not detected. Turn the unit off, and then back on. If the problem persist, contact
technical support.
333 – Low Battery.
34 – Cannot read /dev/nand6 information, or cannot resize or format /dev/nand6.
36 – Hardware monitor missing.
37 – Failed to add ethernet port to bridge.