User Manual

These actions can be accessed directly
from the computer keyboard.
NOTE: Playback, cue and speed
controls use Shift or Caps Lock. You
can turn this off in the Setup screen.
See “Playback Keys Use Shift” on page
ctrl - L
Locate the current track. This will highlight the track you most recently loaded.
Pressing ctrl - L again will alternate between the tracks recently loaded on both decks.
ctrl - R Reveal - the highlighted song is opened in a le browser.
ctrl - F Find - moves the cursor to the search box.
ctrl - A Select all.
ctrl - C Copy text in edit mode.
ctrl - E Edit text.
ctrl - V Paste text in edit mode.
ctrl - X Cut text in edit mode.
ctrl - Z Undo last track load.
shift - ctrl -
shift - ctrl -
Move focus up / down through the library or crates. Note that if you have a song
highlighted in the song view, and use shift - ctrl - you will move up or down through
the library or crates. When you release the shift or ctrl key, the focus will go back to the
song view so that you can move up and down through songs using .
ctrl - P Add tracks to the prepare window.
ctrl - N Start a new mic recording.
ctrl - O Open the track in your default MP3/WAV/OGG/AIF player.
- or + Zoom the main waveform display.
ctrl - or + Zoom the library text size.
tab Alternate focus between crates or songs.
ctrl - del and
ctrl - backspace
Remove track from library., remove track from crate, delete crate (does not delete the
alt - del and
alt - backspace
Remove track from crate and from library.
ctrl - shift - del and
ctrl - shift - backspace
Delete the le from your library and send to the recycle bin.
(Note to iTunes users: les in your iTunes library cannot be deleted this way).
ctrl - shift - / Toggle the input reverse switch.
Toggle the Flashing Deck indicator between the Primary and Secondary Decks.
esc Clear search string if searching, or exit Scratch Live.
slot 1 slot 2 slot 3 slot 4 slot 5 slot 6
Load to sample slot
ctrl - alt - Z ctrl - alt - X ctrl - alt - C ctrl - alt - V ctrl - alt - B ctrl - alt - N
Play sample slot
ctrl - or shift -
Load the highlighted song to a deck.
ctrl - or shift -
ctrl - shift -
Load the track currently on one deck onto the other deck as well.
ctrl - shift -
shift - alt -
Unload the track from a deck.
shift - alt -
ctrl - , (comma) Place a cue point. ctrl - . (period)
ctrl - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Place a cue point in a slot. ctrl - 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Jump to cue points slots. (REL and INT modes) 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
F1 Switch deck to ABS mode. F6
F2 Switch deck to REL mode. F7
F3 Switch deck to INT mode. F8
F5 Key lock on / off. F10
Q Play / pause reverse. A
W Play / pause forward. S
E Pitch down. D
R Pitch up. F
T Bend down. (REL and INT modes) G
Y Bend up. (REL and INT modes) H
U Censor. (REL and INT modes) J
Go to temporary cue point.
(REL and INT modes) K
O Set / adjust loop in-point. L
P Set / adjust loop out-point. ;
[ Loop on / off. '
ctrl - [ Jump to selected loop. ctrl - '
alt - Q Load previous track. alt - A
alt - W Load next track. alt - S
alt - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Auto loop on / off. alt - 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
ctrl - alt - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Loop roll. ctrl - alt - 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
alt - E Rewind. (REL and INT modes) alt - D
alt - R Fast forward. (REL and INT modes) alt - F
alt - O Previous loop. alt - P
alt - L Next loop. alt - ;
alt - space bar Activate the tempo tapper. alt - space bar (x2)
ctrl - I
Set temporary cue point.
(REL and INT modes) ctrl - K