
Level Meters
• Level Meters have two modes of operation:
Stereo Main output
Cue Monitor.
• Meter mode switch set to MAIN “out”:
Meter displays the level at the Main output, after the Main output LEVEL control.
• Meter mode switch set to CUE “in”:
Meter displays whatever is selected by the Cue and Headphone monitoring circuit.
is is the same signal heard in the headphones.
Monitor any combination of the ve individual Cue signals
-or- A-side auto-cue
-or- B-side auto-cue.
Split Cue metering is the same as split cue monitoring in the headphones:
Mono-Cue in the left, Mono-Master in the right.
FlexFX Effects Loop
• Allows the addition of an external stereo eects processor.
• Individual DRY/WET pan controls for channels 1, 2, 3 and MIC.
• Use DRY/WET pan controls simultaneously in any combination.
• SEND level control:
O to +0 dB.
Set SEND to prevent overloading the eects processor.
Many eects devices can't tolerate the high signal levels possible with the Empath.
• Unbalanced ¼" Tip/Sleeve SEND jacks.
• Unbalanced ¼" Tip/Sleeve RETURN jacks.
FlexFX RETURN CUE is before the RETURN level control.
Allows Cuing eects before bringing into mix:
Set FlexFX RETURN to minimum.
Adjust desired DRY/WET pan control to send signal to the eects processor.
Set A-CUE-B switch to center CUE position.
Engage FlexFX RETURN CUE “in”.
Monitor the eect in the headphones.
Bring the eect into the master mix by increasing FlexFX RETURN Level
• Important reminders when using the FlexFX Return Cue:
e FlexFX Loop is after the channel Fader and Crossfader.
You will hear nothing in the Return Cue if the signal is turned down by the channel Fader.
You will hear nothing in the Return Cue if the signal is turned down by the Crossfader
For a signal to reach the FlexFX Loop:
One or more of the four DRY/WET pan controls must be set for some WET.
e Send Level must be turned up.
To send DRY (no eect) signal to the Master mix while you Cue the WET signal:
Set the DRY/WET pan control in the middle.
If you set it to WET with the FlexFX RETURN down, you will lose the signal in the Master mix.
If you set it to DRY, nothing is sent to the FlexFX Loop.
Setting any DRY/WET Pan control to its center position sends an equal signal to the Master mix and the FlexFX Loop.
• RETURN level control:
O to +6 dB
Use in combination with the DRY/WET pan controls to determine how much eect is in the Master mix.
Increases the signal level of low voltage eects processors to the higher levels possible with the Empath.
Inputs 1, 2, 3 and MIC