Instruction Manual

e MA 6S will drive an active two-way stereo system when wired as shown. e high frequency drivers run direct from channels
5 and 6. e low frequency drivers, requiring much more power, are run from two bridged pairs: Channels 1 and 2 are bridged to
one woofer, and channels 3 and 4 are bridged to the second woofer.
CAUTION: 8 ohms is the lowest impedance that can be driven by the MA 6S in BRIDGED mode. If there are two woofers in each bass
cabinet, be sure they are wired in series if they have an individual impedance of less than 16 ohms each.
Chassis Grounding
Whenever connecting any device to the MA 6S Inputs, be aware of signal grounding paths. Connect the shield to MA 6S Chassis
Ground for proper cable shielding. Some installations may permit ground connection to Signal Ground on the Euroblock, but the
best ground is directly to the Chassis.
In addition, since the AC 22B does not get it's ground through the line cord, its chassis should be grounded through either the
rack rails or a jumper wire connecting the chassis’ of both units.
See the included RaneNote, “Sound System Interconnection” for a full explanation and proper wiring techniques.
Stereo Biamped Wiring