Operator`s manual

You can set up to five visual markers within each track to
help you to find important cue points. Use the
set new
to place a marker.
Click the arrow to the left of each marker to jump to that
marker (
. and
. mode only). You can also jump to mark-
ers using keyboard shortcuts – 1 through 5 for the markers on
the left deck, and 6 through 0 for the markers on the right deck.
Notice that the stripe on the Virtual Deck jumps to the 12
o’clock position and changes color when you set a marker – you
are at the marked point when the stripe is one solid color and at
the 12 oclock position.
As the record plays on beyond the position of the marker, the
colored bar will shorten by a fifth for each rotation. Likewise,
as you approach the marker, the color will grow by a fifth each
rotation. For example, the picture below right shows the record
just before the end of the 5th rotation before the marker.
Each marker can have a different color. To change the color
of a marker, click on the colored square and choose a new color
from the drop down menu.
To remove a marker, use the
button on the right hand side
of the marker panel.
Markers are automatically ordered by their position within
the track. If you load the same track on to both decks, you will
be able to add or modify markers from either deck.
Tip: use the keyboard shortcuts ctrl-comma (for left) and
ctrl-dot (for right) to place markers.
The stripe is a solid color at the marker point
The stripe grows a fifth by each rotation closer to the marker point
Recording from a microphone
Scratch LIVE allows you to record from the Mic Input and scratch it immediately as if it were on vinyl. Use the mic input level
indicator on the screen and the MIC GAIN control on the Scratch LIVE hardware to adjust the mic recording level. Click the
button to start recording, and click the
mic rec
button again to stop recording. e mic rec button flashes during recording.
To play the recording, type in a name for the recording and click the
button. e recording is automatically placed in a
crate named
. If that crate does not already exist, it will be created. To start a new recording without saving, simply re-
click the
mic rec
Recordings can be loaded onto the decks, renamed and managed like other files. Recordings are saved in ‘My Documents\My Mu-
’ on a PC, and ~/Music/ScratchLIVE/Recording/ on a Mac. Recordings are saved as 16-bit mono AIFF files.
To quickly load a recording on to a deck without saving it first, click the
mic rec
button to start the recording, and then use
the short cut keys shift or shift to load the track. If you load the recording in this way, the recording will not be added to the
library, and will be discarded on exit. To keep the recording, copy the file found in ‘My documents\My Music\ScratchLIVE\Recording
’ on PC and in ‘~/Music/ScratchLIVE/Recording temp on a Mac.
Tip: Use keyboard shortcut ctrl-n to start a new microphone recording.