User's Manual

Page 35
Display: This Submenu gives to the user the possibility of adjust the
behavior of the radio display, backlight levels and timeouts.
Display BL Mode: this step lets you select the back light operation
Use [UP] or [DOWN] arrow keys to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) or select
(Auto) mode. Press [OK] to store it.
To exit, press [MENU].
Display BL Mode Auto: Automatically controls the behavior of
display backlight. The backlight will be turned ON if any key is pulsed or
an incoming signaling matches the radio ID and automatically turned OFF
after a programmable timeout.
Display BL Mode On: Display backlight will be all time on. This
feature is not efficient form battery saving point of view.
Display BL Mode Off: Display Backlight never goes ON.
Display BL Level: this step lets you select the back light bright.
Use [UP] or [DOWN] arrow keys to adjust your desired bright (0 .. 15).
Back Light Mode
Back Light Level 0 .. 15
Back Light Time 0 .. 15