User's Manual

1. ON/OFF VOLUME CONTROL : This knob controls the volume and
the power to the radio. To turn the radio on, rotate the knob clockwise.
Turning the knob further will increase the volume of the receiver.
2. SQUELCH CONTROL : This control is used to eliminate background
noise being heard through the receiver which can be disturbing when no
transmissions are being received. To use this feature of your radio, gently
turn the switch counterclockwise until the switch will not turn further.
Then turn the switch clockwise until the background noise is just
eliminated. If you turn the switch too far in a clockwise direction, you may
not be able to hear weak transmissions.
3. RF GAIN CONTROL : A strong signal can overpower the RF
amplifier. This control is used to reduce the gain from strong signals.
4. SWR CAL CONTROL : This control allows the user to calibrate the
SWR meter, which is used to match the antenna to your radio.
5. TALKBACK CONTROL : This control is used to adjust the desired
volume of Talkback. This is used to monitor your own voice. For example,
you could use this feature to compare different microphone.
6. MIC GAIN CONTROL : Adjusts the microphone gain in the transmit
and PA modes. This controls the gain to the extent that full talk power is
available several inches away from the microphone. In the Public Address
(PA) mode, the control functions as the volume control.
7. S-RF/SWR/CAL SWITCH : This is a three function switch. In the S-RF
position, the meter will indicate the strength of the signal being received,
as well as the relative RF output of transmission. When calibrating the
SWR meter, you need to put this switch in the CAL position. To use the
meter to measure the standing wave ratio, turn the switch to the SWR
8. MODE CONTROL : This control allows you to select one of the
following operating modes : LSB/AM/USB.
9. RF PWR CONTROL : This control allows the user to adjust RF power
10. CLARIFY CONTROL : Allows tuning of the receive frequency above
or below the channel frequency by up to 1.5 KHz. Although this control is
intended primarily to tune in SSB signals, it may be used to optimize AM
signals as described in the Operating Procedure paragraphs.
11. CHANNEL SELECTOR : This control is used to select a desired
transmit and receive channel.
12. FRONT PANEL METER : The Front Panel Meter allows the user to
monitor signal strength, RF output power and S.W.R. level.
13. NB/ANL/OFF SWITCH : In the ANL position, only the Automatic
Noise Limiter in the audio circuits is activated. When the switch is place in
the ANL+NB position, the RF Noise Blanker is also activated. The RF
Noise Blanker is very effective in eliminating repetitive impulse noise such
as ignition interference.
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