User's Manual

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7. PLAY/STOP SWITCH `/: This Push Switch controls the play and stop function
for the MP3 Player.
8. NEXT/FORWARD SWITCH ``|: This Push Switch has dual function; it is used for
selecting or to skip to the next track from the Music List. In addition, this switch is
used to scroll forward pictures from the USB stick or SD card.
9. ON/OFF VOLUME CONTROL: This knob controls the volume and power to the
radio. To turn radio on, rotate the knob clockwise. Turning the knob further will
increase the volume of the receiver.
10. SQUELCH CONTROL: This switch is used to eliminate background noise being
heard through the receiver, which can be disturbing when no transmission is being
heard through the received. To use this feature, turn the switch fully counterclockwise
and then turn clockwise slowly until the background noise is just eliminated. Further
clockwise rotation will increase the threshold level, which a signal must overcome in
order to be heard. Only strong signal will be heard at a maximum clockwise setting.
11. TALKBACK CONTROL: Adjust this knob for desired volume of Talkback. This is
used to monitor your own voice. This feature can be used to compare TX audio from
different microphones.
12. RF POWER CONTROL: This control allows the user to adjust RF power output.
13. CHANNEL SELECTOR: This control is used to select a desired transmit and
receive channel.
14. SD Card Port: Accepts 4GB SD card for music or photo source.
NOTE: Do not use a USB stick with more than 4GB capacity or an SD card
with more than 4GB capacity as it will cause the display & the MP3 player to
15. USB Port: Accepts 4GB USB stick for music or photo source.
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16. EXT. SPK (STEREO): This jack accepts a 4 to 8 ohm, 5 watt external speaker.
When the external speaker is connected to this jack, the rear speaker is disabled.
This jack is only for MP3 music output.
17. MP3/CB SWITCH: This switch allows you to select one of the following operating
modes; MP3 Player or CB. In the "MP3" position, you can play the music stored in the
USB stick or SD card. In the "RADIO" position, the CB is activated.
18. FRONT PANEL METER: The Front Panel Meter allows the user to monitor signal
strength and RF output power.
19. AM/PA SWITCH: This switch allows you to select one of the following operating
modes: AM/PA. In the "AM" position, the CB radio is activated. In the PA position,
the radio acts as public address amplifier. Your voice will come out from the speaker
that is plugged into the PA. SP. jack on the rear panel. The transceiver will not operate
when you are in the PA mode.
20. ANL/OFF SWITCH: In the ANL position, the Automatic Noise Limiter (ANL) in the
audio circuits is activated.
21. NB/OFF SWITCH: In the NB position, the Noise Blanker (NB) is activated. The NB
is very effective in eliminating repetitive impulse noise such as ignition interference.
22. CH19/NORMAL SWITCH: Channel 19 switch is used for instant access to
information channel 19.
23. CHANNEL DISPLAY: The channel display indicates the current selected channel.
24. TX/RX LED: The Red LED indicates the unit is in the transmit mode. The Blue LED
indicates the unit is in the receive mode.
25. ANT LED: This LED lights red when your SWR is higher than about 3:1. This is not
an exact indicator of 3:1 SWR, but it is an indication that you should check your
antenna and its components.