User guide

Chapter 11: Command Line Interface
admin > Config > Authentication > RADIUS >
RADIUS Server Settings
Primary Server
Enabled - true
IP Address -
Port - 1812
Secret - qaz1wsx
On the Remote Radius Server, the user's configuration should contain
the following line:
Filter-Id = "raritan:G{<local user group>}:D{<number
for dialback>}"
Dialback with remote LDAP user (OpenLdap v.2 & v.3)
Dial-in and Dialback should be enabled on the SX used for modem
communication. Primary (or/and Secondary) LDAP Server Settings
should be configured correctly and enabled on the SX:
LDAP Server Settings
Primary Server
Enabled - true
IP Address -
Port - 389
Secret - root
Base DN - cn=root,o=bianor
Base Search - o=bianor
Auth Query String -rciusergroup
Dialback Query String - telephoneNumber