User's Manual

Appendix ........................................................................................... 64
The 1417WGA is a wireless digital X-ray flat panel detector that
can generate images of any part of the body. The wireless
LAN((IEEE 802.11a/g/n) communication feature improves the
operability, and high-speed processing. This X-ray imaging
system consists of a scintillator directly coupled to an a-Si TFT
sensor. It makes high-resolution, high-sensitive digital images.
Intended use
For U.S.A.
1417WGA Digital Flat Panel X-Ray Detector is indicated for
digital imaging solution designed for human anatomy including
head, neck, spinal column, arm, leg and peripheral (foot, hand,
wrist, fingers, etc.). It is intended to replace film based
radiographic diagnostic systems and provide a case diagnosis
and treatment planning for physicians and other health care
professionals. Not to be used for mammography.
For European Union
This device provides digital X-ray imaging for diagnosis of
disease, injury, or any applicable health problem. The image is
obtained as the result of imaging X-rays passed through the
human body with an X-ray flat panel detector and importing a
digital signal output from the detector into the image processor.