Owner's Handbook

Chapter 2: Installing the Scanner 17
2.2 System Connections
Power is supplied to the scanner via the display unit; the power cable is supplied
with the display unit, refer to your display unit Owner’s Handbook for details
on connecting power. However, you should be aware of the following.
Grounding the Radar System
It is important that an effective RF ground is connected to the radar system. You
must ground the radar by connecting the drain wire (screen) of the Power/
NMEA Input cable to the nearest ground point of the ship’s RF ground system.
Refer to your Display Unit Owner’s Handbook for details.
Note: Use only this ground connection.
DC Power Connection - Radome Systems
The Radome radar system is intended for use on ships’ DC power systems
operating in the 10.7 to 32VDC range (12V and 24V systems, not 32V
systems). The connections should be made at a DC power distribution panel,
through an isolation switch or circuit breaker that is fused or trips at not greater
than 10A. Check that all connection terminals are clean.
If you do not have a breaker in your power circuit, you must fit an in-line
6.3A quick-blow fuse to the positive (red) lead of the power cable.
This radar is not intended for use on “positive” ground vessels.
The power cable Earth screen connections must be connected to the ship’s
The DC system should be either:
Negative grounded, with the negative battery terminal connected to the ships
Floating, with neither battery terminal connected to the ships ground.
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