Operation Manual

Chapter 4: Menu Settings 61
COG/SOG Display
This setting determines whether Course Over Ground and Speed Over Ground
(COG/SOG) data from the GPS is displayed on the bottom line of the dot matrix
display instead of the time of day. The menu setting “Bearing Mode“ on page 67
determines whether the True or Magnetic heading is displayed for COG. The
setting “Speed Unit“ on page 68 determines whether knots, MPH or KPH is used
for SOG.
If COG/SOG is set ON, TIME DISPLAY is automatically set to OFF. Because they oc-
cupy the same line on the LCD, only one of these two settings can be displayed at a time.
NMEA Output
When Distress Call and Position (lat/lon) information is received from other
stations, your Ray218E/Ray55E has the capability of forwarding this data to your
display unit (C Series, E Series, etc.) over the NMEA port so that it can be displayed
on the screen. You can specify which stations will have their position data and
Distress Call information sent to the display unit.
Use this option to select the stations for which you want incoming position data
and Distress Call information to be displayed.
1. From the GPS SETUP menu, select NMEA OUTPUT.
2. From the NMEA OUTPUT menu, select SEL OUTPUT.
3. Select which vessel’s position data will be forwarded to the display:
ALL STATION. Forward all received position data to the display.
LIST STATION. Send position data from stations that you have selected
from a list. If you choose this option, specify the permitted vessels using
the SEL STATION option described below.
NONE. Do not forward position data from any station.
TW 16+09+W01
50 46.1718N
001 17.7189W
356 T 12.6KS
CH72 CH73 CH77