User's Manual

Rev2.0 (7/28) Confidential and Proprietary ©2012-2014 by Rayson Corporation, not for distribution. Page 3 of 13
Confidential A Confidential Information contained herein is covered under Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Preliminary datasheet, Rayson Corporation reserves right to modify without notification
2 Description
2.1 Model Definition
IC ID : 4460A-QS9322PLCS
2.2 Module description
QS9322 is a compact, surface mount Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE) compliant wireless module. It
integrates an advanced single-chip BLE SoC chip QN9021 with RF circuit and PCB antenna in a compact
module. Embedded 16 MHz and 32.678 kHz crystals are used for clock generation. Impedance matching
provides optimal radio performance with extremely low spurious emissions. QS9322 can be used directly
with a coin cell battery or 3V DC regulated DC power supply.
Small size gives good radiation efficiency with low price even when the module is used in layouts with
very limited space and easy modular handling.
QS9322 offers all Bluetooth low energy features: radio, stack, profiles and application space for
customer applications, so no external processor is needed. QS9322 can also be used to transfer raw data
between each other through the factory built-in application.
The pre-qualified module enables users to add Bluetooth Low Energy to traditional products within the
shortest time. QS9322 is leading the way for the new generation of Bluetooth low energy modules.