Quick Start Guide

Part Number: 0830001
Smartphone App
The ARB Pressure Control App can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Search for “Pressure Control”.
To connect to the PCM it must be powered on. So if wired as described earlier, turn on your vehicle ignition and switch on the
Follow these steps to connect the app to the PCM for the first time.
After opening the app the first step is to connect to your PCM. Tap the settings icon. Tap “Connect to Pressure
Control” When the app is disconnect from the PCM most features are unavailable and are greyed out.
The app will search for your PCM. When found tap “CONNECT TO PRESSURE CONTROL MODULE”.
When more than one PCM is found, if you know the name of your PCM then select it before tapping “CONNECT TO
PRESSURE CONTROL MODULE”. Otherwise make sure your PCM is the only one with about 20m that is turned on, then try
Latest Revision Date: 09/06/2020 Page 4 of 7