Quick Start Guide

Part Number: 0830001
The main app features are:
- Current pressure readout
- Target pressure for Pressure Control mode. Set this by tapping on the underlined text, or by selecting from the
pressure preset list
- Tap the pressure preset list to select from your 4 available pressure presets.
- Tap the mode list to choose the mode of operation:
Pressure Off closes the PRV,
Pressure Control operates the PRV to inflate/deflate to the target pressure,
Pressure Max allow air to flow through the PRV for uncontrolled inflation or using an air blow gun accessory.
- Live voltage reading
Operation without smartphone App
When a smartphone isn’t available to operate the PCM (eg. Your smartphone has flat batteries) there are still a couple of ways
the PCM can be used.
The first method is by configuring the ‘Power On Mode’ setting. This determines which mode the PCM starts in when it is
powered on. This is set to Pressure Off by default, but if you select Pressure Control then the PCM will start in that mode and
begin adjusting the pressure to last target pressure. If you select Pressure Max then the PCM will start in that mode allowing air
to flow through the PRV for uncontrolled inflation or using an air blow gun accessory.
The second method is using a special sequence with the compressor switch to change the PCM to Pressure Max. If you turn the
compressor switch on, then quickly turn it off and on again 3 times (within 3 about seconds), then the PCM will change mode to
Pressure Max.
Latest Revision Date: 09/06/2020 Page 6 of 7