Installation Guide

Trouble Shooting
Step 1: Basics
Check blue LED ‘power on’ light is illuminated on the back of the PoE unit.
If Ye s,
Ensure power adjust is turned to the maximum level.
Ensure Photocell is covered and if necessary adjust the photocell
If No,
Confirm that the PoE injector unit is fully functioning.
NB: Refer to manufacturer’s guide
Check that the cable is fully intact, and not broken or split.
Step 2: Set-up Camera, lens and illumination
Check alignment of lamp
Check camera lens – fully open at night & set correctly.
Check model number to Raytec performance specification to ensure
required distance is achievable.
Step 3: Call Raytec for further assistance
Note down:
• Model and serial number of illuminator
• Camera make and model
• Lens make and model
If the Raytec lamp is still not delivering the required performance, please
contact us for further assistance: tel +44 (0)1670 520055