User's Manual Part 2

Operator Manual
Raytheon Marine GmbH
NSC 18
3748DOC020102Edition: 14.JAN.2005
The RADAR FIX effect:
If a MAP has been created and does not fit the current radar video when
subsequently loaded, a RADAR FIX can be used. This is done by using TRUE
If a saved MAP does not fit the real radar video one or more of the following can
be true:
a) The TRUE MAP was created using points or lat/long information from a
paper chart not in WGS 84 datum.
b) The TRUE or INDEX MAP was created “live” from a radar image on a
previous voyage while the gyro was inaccurate (North speed errors not
compensated, for example).
c) The TRUE or INDEX MAP was created “live” from a radar image using
different gyros (for ships equipped with two gyros).
d) The gyro currently in use has a new error and requires service.
Latitude North speed correction!
e) The position sensor has an “error of the day”. For example Loran C errors.
f) The position sensor currently in use is set to different data than the TRUE
MAP data used, has incorrect data for where the ship is now or is set
to data that is suitable for paper chart work but is not compatible with radar
Before using RADAR FIX, consider how the MAP was created and check the
position sensor DATA/GYRO. It is better to organize these consistently than to
apply the RADAR FIX option. Radar fix can provide temporary assistance
(particularly in case e and f).