user manual

conditions, however caution and practice are recommended for first-
time riders.
1. It is recommended that new users should practice braking technique
in an open area that is safe and free from obstacles.
2. To apply the brake, carefully squeeze the brake lever.
3. The user may wish to apply more or less force on the brake,
depending on the rider's weight and vehicle speed to achieve the
desired rate of deceleration.
Under normal conditions, the only maintenance required is to maintain
the correct cable slack.
4. The cable slack should be adjusted to allow approximately a 1/4-inch
gap (4mm - 5mm) at the lever as shown in Figure 34.
5. Cable slack is adjusted by turning the adjusting barrel in or out, as
shown in Figure 35.
6. Periodically, or if the brake performance diminishes, inspect the brake
pads for proper alignment against the rim or excess wear. Refer to
Figure 36 for proper alignment. To realign the brake pads, loosen the
fixing nut (Figure 35) and adjust the pad to contact the rim. Retighten
and test the function, readjust as needed.
NOTE: If you do not have the correct tools or understanding of these
procedures, ask a qualified mechanic to make the adjustments for you.
Most bicycle shops have mechanics that can make these adjustments.
Figure 34. Figure 35. Figure 36.
5. Safety
A. Always wear proper protective equipment, such as an ANSI, SNELL, CPSC or ASTM
approved helmet and elbow and kneepads. Long sleeve shirt, gloves, long pants, shoes,
and elbow and knee pads are recommended. Always wear a helmet when riding your