Instructions for Use

Ce paramètre règle la capacité maximale à charger dans l’accu durant
une charge. Si le delta-peak n’est pas détecté et que la minuterie de
sécurité n’a pas fonctionné pour n’importe quelle raison, cette fonction
coupe automatiquement le processus à la valeur de capacité sélec
Le paramètre Key Beep/Buzzer vous permet de couper les “bips” et les
mélodies utilisés pour alerter des différents changements de mode.
Quand vous branchez le chargeur à une source d’alimentation en 12
V (Batterie de voiture), le paramètre de cette page permet de surveiller
la tension d’entrée. Si la tension passe sous le seuil sélectionné, le
chargeur arrête l’opération an de protéger la batterie d’alimentation.
This setting allows you to change the maximum capacity that
will be supplied to the battery during charge. If the nominal
pack voltage is not detected and the safety timer does not
expire for any reason, this feature will automatically stop the
process at the selected capacity value.
When connecting the charger to a 12 volt power source
(lead acid battery) in the field, this setting will allow you to
monitor the incoming voltage. Should the voltage drop below
the value selected, the charger will terminate operation to
protect the input battery.
The Key Beep/Buzzer settings allow you to turn off the
individual button “beep” as well as the musical tone that is
used to alert different mode changes.
Use these programs only when charging a lithium battery (Lilo/LiPo/LiHV/LiFe) with a nominal voltage of 3.6V,
3.7V, 3.8V or 3.3V per cell, respectively. The charge current going into the battery will vary depending on the
chemistry type so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you select the correct type for your battery. The ending voltage
of the charge is also important as it varies for all four types: 4.1V for Lilo, 4.2V for LiPo, 4.35V for LiHV and 3.6V
for LiFe. The charge current (how many Amps you are putting into the pack) and nominal voltage (Proper
voltage for the cell count of the battery you are charging) must be correct for the battery to be charged. To
change these settings, press the START/ENTER key to make the selected value blink. Using the increase and
decrease buttons, set your desired amperage, then press START/ENTER to save the setting. You will then be
asked to select your nominal voltage/cell count. Again, use the increase/decrease buttons to reach your
desired setting and Press the START/ENTER button to confirm and save.
Now, double check the charge settings. The upper left corner of the
screen should read the specific battery chemistry you are trying to
charge. In the case of the example, LiPo. The value underneath the
chemistry type is the charge current. Check your batteries specifications
for proper charge rating, but with all batteries, we recommend a 1C
charge rate. If your battery is a 5000mAh, your charge current should be
5.0A. If using a 2200mAh pack, the charge rate would be 2.2A. Simply
placing a decimal point after the first number in your capacity rating will
give the correct 1C charge rating. To further elaborate, a 2C charge rate
on a 5000mAh pack would be 10.0A.
The information on the right side of the screen will tell you which type of charge you are using and the voltage
and cell count you are attempting to charge. Remember, THIS VALUE MUST BE SET TO PROPERLY CHARGE
When you are ready to charge, press and HOLD the START/ENTER button for 3 seconds.
(LiIo/LiPo/LiHV/LiFe) program
This setting allows you to change the maximum capacity that
will be supplied to the battery during charge. If the nominal
pack voltage is not detected and the safety timer does not
expire for any reason, this feature will automatically stop the
process at the selected capacity value.
When connecting the charger to a 12 volt power source
(lead acid battery) in the field, this setting will allow you to
monitor the incoming voltage. Should the voltage drop below
the value selected, the charger will terminate operation to
protect the input battery.
The Key Beep/Buzzer settings allow you to turn off the
individual button “beep” as well as the musical tone that is
used to alert different mode changes.
Use these programs only when charging a lithium battery (Lilo/LiPo/LiHV/LiFe) with a nominal voltage of 3.6V,
3.7V, 3.8V or 3.3V per cell, respectively. The charge current going into the battery will vary depending on the
chemistry type so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you select the correct type for your battery. The ending voltage
of the charge is also important as it varies for all four types: 4.1V for Lilo, 4.2V for LiPo, 4.35V for LiHV and 3.6V
for LiFe. The charge current (how many Amps you are putting into the pack) and nominal voltage (Proper
voltage for the cell count of the battery you are charging) must be correct for the battery to be charged. To
change these settings, press the START/ENTER key to make the selected value blink. Using the increase and
decrease buttons, set your desired amperage, then press START/ENTER to save the setting. You will then be
asked to select your nominal voltage/cell count. Again, use the increase/decrease buttons to reach your
desired setting and Press the START/ENTER button to confirm and save.
Now, double check the charge settings. The upper left corner of the
screen should read the specific battery chemistry you are trying to
charge. In the case of the example, LiPo. The value underneath the
chemistry type is the charge current. Check your batteries specifications
for proper charge rating, but with all batteries, we recommend a 1C
charge rate. If your battery is a 5000mAh, your charge current should be
5.0A. If using a 2200mAh pack, the charge rate would be 2.2A. Simply
placing a decimal point after the first number in your capacity rating will
give the correct 1C charge rating. To further elaborate, a 2C charge rate
on a 5000mAh pack would be 10.0A.
The information on the right side of the screen will tell you which type of charge you are using and the voltage
and cell count you are attempting to charge. Remember, THIS VALUE MUST BE SET TO PROPERLY CHARGE
When you are ready to charge, press and HOLD the START/ENTER button for 3 seconds.
(LiIo/LiPo/LiHV/LiFe) program
N’utilisez ces programmes qu’avec des accus au lithium (LiIo, LiPo, LiHV, LiFe) dont la tension nominale est respec-
tivement de 3,6 V, 3,7 V, 3,8 V ou 3,3 V par élément. Le courant de charge circulant dans l’accu variera selon la
chimie de l’accu, il est donc très important de bien sélectionner le type d’accu. La tension de n de charge est égale
ment importante et varie pour chaque type : 4,1 V pour les LiIo, 4,2 V pour les LiPo, 4,35 V pour les LiHV et 3, V pour
les LiFe. Le courant de charge (le nombre d’ampères que vous faites circuler dans le pack) et la tension nominale (la
tension adaptée au nombre d’éléments que vous chargez) doivent être corrects pour l’accu à charger. Pour modier
ces réglages, appuyez sur START/ENTER pour faire clignoter la valeur sélectionnée. Utilisez les boutons INC et DEC
pour régler le courant voulu, puis appuyez à nouveau sur START/ENTER pour enregistrer le réglage. Il vous est alors
demandé d’entrer la tension/nombre d’éléments. A nouveau, utilisez INC et DEC pour atteindre la valeur souhaitée et
appuyez sur START/ENTER pour conrmer et enregistrer.
Maintenant, vériez à nouveau les réglages de charge. Le coin en haut à gauche doit
afcher le type de chimie d’accu à charger, dans l’exemple à gauche, LiPo. La valeur
sous le type est le courant de charge. Vériez les caractéristiques de votre accu pour un
bon taux de charge, mais avec tous les accus, nous conseillons un taux de charge de 1C.
Si votre accu est un 5000 mAh, votre courant de charge sera de 5,0 A. Pour un 2200
mAh, le courant sera de 2,2 A. Mettez simplement la virgule après le premier chiffre de la
capacité pour avoir le taux de charge de 1C. Pour aller plus loin, un taux de charge de 2C
sur un accu de 5000 mAh donnerait 10,0 A.
Les informations sur la droite de l’écran montrent le type de processus que vous allez utiliser et le nombre d’éléments
CORRECTEMENT VOTRE ACCU. Quand vous êtes prêt à lancer le processus, appuyez et maintenez le bouton START/
ENTER durant 3 secondes.