Instructions for Use

Ce programme charge simplement l’accu avec le courant que vous avez ré-
glé. En mode “Aut”, vous devez régler la valeur supérieure du courant de
charge pour éviter qu’un courant trop élevé n’endommage l’accu. Des accus
de faible impédance ou de faible capacité peuvent entraîner des courants très
élevés de la part du processeur en mode automatique. Mais en mode “Man”,
le courant de charge est celui que vous avez réglé sur l’écran. Pour passer
d’un mode à l’autre, appuyez simultanément sur INC et DEC quand le champ
du courant clignote.
Cette page afche l’état de la charge en temps réel. Appuyez sur le bouton
Batt Type/Stop pour arrêter le processus.
Un signal sonore indique la n du processus.
Réglez le courant de décharge sur la gauche et la tension nale sur la droite.
La plage de courant de décharge est de 0,1 à 1,0 A. La plage de tension nale
est de 0,1 à 25,0 V. Appuyez sur le bouton Start/Enter plus de 3 secondes
pour démarrer le programme.
L’écran afche l’état de la décharge. Vous pouvez appuyer sur le bouton Start/
Enter pour modier le courant de décharge. Appuyez à nouveau sur le bouton
Start/Enter pour enregistrer la valeur. Appuyez sur le bouton Batt Type/Stop
pour arrêter la décharge. Un signal sonore indique la n de la décharge.
Ces programmes servent à charger ou décharger les accus NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride) ou NiCd (Nickel-Cadmium)
utilisés habituellement pour le modélisme. Pour modier les valeurs sur l’écran, appuyez sur Start/Enter pour faire
clignoter la valeur puis modiez-la avec les boutons INC ou DEC. La valeur est enregistrée en appuyant une fois sur
Star/Enter. Pour lancer le processus, appuyez sur Start/Enter durant au moins 3 secondes.
7. NiMH/NiCd battery program
These programs are for charging or discharging NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride) or
NiCd (Nickel-Cadmium) battery commonly used for R/C model aplications. To alter
the value at the display, press Start/Enter key to make it blink then change the value
using INC or DEC key.The value will be stored by pressing Start/Enter key once.
To start the process, press Start/ Enter button for more than 3 seconds.
7.1 Charging NiCd/NiMH battery
This program simply charge the battery using the
current you set. In 'Aut' mode, you need to set the
upper limit of charge current to avoid from higher
feeding current that may damage the battery. Because
some batteries of low impedance and small capacity
can lead to the higher charge current by the processor
at automatic charge mode. But in 'Man' mode, it will
charge the battery with the charge current you set at
the display. Each mode can be switched by pressing
INC and DEC button simultaneously when the current
field is blinking.
The screen displays the current state of charging . To
stop the process, press Batt type/Stop key once.
The audible sound indicates you the end of process.
7.2 Discharging NiCd/NiMH battery
Set discharge current on the left and nal voltage on
the right. The discharge current ranges from 0.1 to 1.0A
and the final voltage ranges from 0.1 to 25.0V). To
start the process, press Start /Enter key more than 3
The screen displays the current state of discharge. You
can alter the discharge current by pressing Start/Enter
key during the process. Once you change the current
value, store it by pressing Start/Enter button again.
To stop discharging press Batt type/Stop key once.
The audible sound indicated you at the end of process.
7. NiMH/NiCd battery program
These programs are for charging or discharging NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride) or
NiCd (Nickel-Cadmium) battery commonly used for R/C model aplications. To alter
the value at the display, press Start/Enter key to make it blink then change the value
using INC or DEC key.The value will be stored by pressing Start/Enter key once.
To start the process, press Start/ Enter button for more than 3 seconds.
7.1 Charging NiCd/NiMH battery
This program simply charge the battery using the
current you set. In 'Aut' mode, you need to set the
upper limit of charge current to avoid from higher
feeding current that may damage the battery. Because
some batteries of low impedance and small capacity
can lead to the higher charge current by the processor
at automatic charge mode. But in 'Man' mode, it will
charge the battery with the charge current you set at
the display. Each mode can be switched by pressing
INC and DEC button simultaneously when the current
field is blinking.
The screen displays the current state of charging . To
stop the process, press Batt type/Stop key once.
The audible sound indicates you the end of process.
7.2 Discharging NiCd/NiMH battery
Set discharge current on the left and nal voltage on
the right. The discharge current ranges from 0.1 to 1.0A
and the final voltage ranges from 0.1 to 25.0V). To
start the process, press Start /Enter key more than 3
The screen displays the current state of discharge. You
can alter the discharge current by pressing Start/Enter
key during the process. Once you change the current
value, store it by pressing Start/Enter button again.
To stop discharging press Batt type/Stop key once.
The audible sound indicated you at the end of process.