Instructions for Use

Réglez l’ordre de la séquence à gauche et le nombre de cycles à droite.
Vous pouvez utiliser cette fonction pour rééquilibrer, rafraîchir ou rôder
l’accu. Pour éviter que la température ne s’élève, il y a un court délai
déjà xé dans les réglages utilisateur entre chaque charge et décharge.
Le nombre de cycle va de 1 à 5.
Pour interrompre le processus, appuyez sur le bouton Bat Type/Stop
une fois. Vous pouvez modier le courant de charge ou de décharge en
appuyant une fois sur Start/Enter durant le processus. Un son est émis
pour indiquer la n du processus.
A la n du processus, vous pouvez voir la capacité chargée ou déchar-
gée à chaque cycle du processus. En appuyant sur INC ou DEC, l’écran
afche le résultat de chaque cycle, dans l’ordre.
Réglez le courant de charge à gauche et la tension nominale à droite.
La plage de courant de charge est de 0,1 à 7,0 A et la tension doit
correspondre avec l’accu à charger.
Lancez la charge en appuyant sur Start/Enter plus de 3 secondes.
L’écran afche l’état du processus de charge. Pour arrêter la charge en
cours de route, appuyez une fois sur Batt Type/Stop. Un son indique la
n du processus.
Le chargeur est prévu pour charger des accus plomb-acide avec une tension nominale de 2 à 20 V. Les
accus au plomb sont complètement différents des accus NiCD ou NiMH. Ils ne peuvent délivrer qu’un
courant relativement faible par rapport à leur capacité et les mêmes restrictions s’appliquent à la charge.
Aussi, le courant de charge sera de 1/10 de la capacité. Les accus au plomb ne doivent pas être chargés
rapidement. Suivez toujours les instructions fournies par le fabricant de la batterie. Quand vous voulez
modier la valeur d’un paramètre du programme, appuyez sur Start/Enter pour faire clignoter le paramètre,
puis changez la valeur avec INC ou DEC. la valeur est enregistrée en appuyant une fois sur Start/Enter.
7.3 Charge-to-discharge & discharge-to-charge cycle NiMH/NiCd battery
Set the sequence on the left and the number of cycle
on the right. You can use this function for balancing,
refreshing and break-in the battery. To avoid rising
temperture of the battery, there will a brief cool-off
period that already fixed at 'User setting' after each
charge and discharge process. The cycling number
ranges from 1 to 5.
To stop the process, press Batt type/Stop key once.
You can change the discharge or charge current by
pressing Start/Enter key once during the process. The
audible sound indicates you the end of process.
At the end of the process, you can see charged or
discharged electric capacities of the battery at each
cyclic process.
By pressing INC or DEC button, the screen shows the
result of each cycle in order.
8.Pb( lead-sulphuric acid) battery program
This is programmed for charging Pb( lead-sulphuric acid) battery with nominal
voltage from 2 to 20V. Pb batteries are totally different from NiCd or NiMH batteries.
They can only deliver relatievely lower current compare to their capacity, and similar
restrictions definitely apply to charge. So the optimal charge current will be 1/10 of
the capacity. Pb batteries must not be charged rapidly. Always follow the instruction is
supplied by the manufacturer of battery.
When you are willing to alter the parameter value in the program, press Start/
Enter key to make it blink then change the value with INC or DEC key. The value will
be stored by pressing Start/Enter key once.
8.1 Charging Pb battery
Set up the charge current on the left and the nominal
voltage of the battery on the right. The charge current
ranges from 0.1 to 7.0A and the voltage should be
matched with the battery being charged.
Start the charge process by pressing Start/Enter key
for more than 3 seconds.
7.3 Charge-to-discharge & discharge-to-charge cycle NiMH/NiCd battery
Set the sequence on the left and the number of cycle
on the right. You can use this function for balancing,
refreshing and break-in the battery. To avoid rising
temperture of the battery, there will a brief cool-off
period that already fixed at 'User setting' after each
charge and discharge process. The cycling number
ranges from 1 to 5.
To stop the process, press Batt type/Stop key once.
You can change the discharge or charge current by
pressing Start/Enter key once during the process. The
audible sound indicates you the end of process.
At the end of the process, you can see charged or
discharged electric capacities of the battery at each
cyclic process.
By pressing INC or DEC button, the screen shows the
result of each cycle in order.
8.Pb( lead-sulphuric acid) battery program
This is programmed for charging Pb( lead-sulphuric acid) battery with nominal
voltage from 2 to 20V. Pb batteries are totally different from NiCd or NiMH batteries.
They can only deliver relatievely lower current compare to their capacity, and similar
restrictions definitely apply to charge. So the optimal charge current will be 1/10 of
the capacity. Pb batteries must not be charged rapidly. Always follow the instruction is
supplied by the manufacturer of battery.
When you are willing to alter the parameter value in the program, press Start/
Enter key to make it blink then change the value with INC or DEC key. The value will
be stored by pressing Start/Enter key once.
8.1 Charging Pb battery
Set up the charge current on the left and the nominal
voltage of the battery on the right. The charge current
ranges from 0.1 to 7.0A and the voltage should be
matched with the battery being charged.
Start the charge process by pressing Start/Enter key
for more than 3 seconds.
The screen displays the state of charging process. To
stop charging forcibly, press Batt type/Stop key once.
The audible sound indicates you at the end of process.
8.2 Discharging Pb battery
Set discharge current on the left and nal voltage on
the right. The discharge current ranges from 0.1 to 1.0A.
To start the process, press Start/Enter key for more
than 3 seconds.
The screen displays the current state of discharge. You
can alter the discharge current by pressing Start/Enter
key during the process. Once you change the current
value, store it by pressing Start/Enter button again.
To stop discharging press Batt Type/Stop key once.
The audible sound indicates you at the end of process.