Owner's Manual

C. Using USB port
You can connect a USB flash drive (not included) to the USB port on the unit to play picture files.
For operation ofle playbackon the USBash drive,please refer tothe section“Playing Picture
• ItisrecommendedthattheproductisturnedOFFwhenyoupluginaUSBashdrive.
• ItdoesnotsupportUSBharddiskmassstoragedevices,multi-cardreadersandotherUSBcomputer
• ItonlysupportsUSBashdrives(FAT32/16,max.capacity32Gbytes,maxvideobitrateis7Mbps).
• Make sure your USB ash drive is FAT16/FAT32 le system. All other le systems will not be
• TheUSBportmayalsobeusedforenablingBD-Livecontent.
D. Connecting to a wired network router
Connect an Ethernet cable (not included) (CAT5 or better with RJ45 connector) to the ETHERNET jack
on the back of your unit and to an Ethernet jack on a network hub or router.
• DonotconnectamodularphonecabletotheETHERNETjack.
• Whenpluggingorunpluggingthecable,holdtheconnectontheendofthecable.Whenunplugging,
do not pull on the cable. Press down the lock tab and pull the connector out of the jack.
• Becausetherearevarious connection congurations, follow the instructions from your internet
service provider.
Once connected to a home network with access to the internet, you can:
1. Access BD-Live content during playback of BD-Live-enabled Blu-ray Discs (Flash drive needed)
2. Access Netflix movie service (appropriate level of Netflix membership required).
3. Perform Product Software Updates direct from the internet.
• ConnectaUSBFlashDrive(with1GBormorefreespaceonit)totheUSBportonthefrontof
the player for BD-Live operation.
• EnsureyourHomeNetworkisoperatingcorrectly,ensureyouhaveaconnectiontotheInternet.
Follow the instructions from your Internet Service Provider, or your Home Network's Router
Manual on testing your Home Network's operation.
E. Using Netflix
You can instantly watch movies & TV episodes from Netflix streamed over the internet to your
TV via the unit.
Activating your player
You must activate your player before you can use it to watch movies streamed over the internet
from Netflix.
1. To watch movies and TV episodes instantly from Netflix, you must be a Netflix member.
If you are already a member of Netflix, this step is not needed (skip to next step).
On your computer, visit: www.netflix.com
Follow the instructions to become a Netflix member.
2. On the player, press the NETFLIX button to select the Netflix mode.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions until you see an activation code appear on the screen.
4. On your computer, visit: www.netflix.com/activate
You need to log into your account.
5. Enter the activation code, and click [Activate] icon.
BRC11072E_Eng_NO Pandora & YouTube.indd 10 6/25/2011 10:39:18