
Status, Cassette Warning (___),
and TAPE END Indicators
The REC indicator appears here
when the camcorder is recording.
The - _'AUSE=and _ indicators
appear when the camcorder is in
the record-pause mode.
The _- indicator flashes when the
CAMERA/PLAY switch is set to
CAMERA and the safety tab has
been removed from the cassette.
The-_- indicator also flashes when
the CAMERA/PLAY switch is set to
CAMERA and there is no cassette
in the camcorder.
TAPE END appears when the end
of the tape is reached during
recording or a cassette is inserted
with its tape already at the end.
Tape Speed Indicator (SP or EP)
The tape speed selected with the
SP/EP switch appears here.
Details are on page 24.
(_ Elapsed Time-Counter with
Memory Stop
The time counter automatically
appears here during the record and
playback modes. It is not recorded
on the tape.
An "M" appears in front of the time
counter when memory-stop is
turned on.
(_) Tape Time-Remaining Display
The approximate time remaining
on the tape in the camcorder is
automatically displayed in the
The time-remaining indicator will
start flashing when the remaining
tape time reaches two minutes.
Details are on page 45.
(_ Self-Timer Indicator
This indicator appears when the
camcorder has been set for self-
timer recording.
Details are on page 35.
(_) Date, Time, and Age Indicators
Whenever these indicators appear
in the viewfinder, they will be
recorded on the tape.
The date, time, and age must be set,
and the CAMERA/PLA Y switch
must be in CAMERA.
Details are on pages 30-33.
Details are on page 44.