
ยข@nnec @ns Setup
Getting Started
This s_,ction c]_'scrib_'s the' basics on how to s_,t up your camcordcr to r_'cord f_)r the"
first tim_'. Rof_,r to the oth_'r s_'ctions for clotai]_,d opt'ration and f'_'atur_" options.
Unpack the Camcorder and Accessories
The" it,'ms shown in Partx Cb(,_lalixt ar_" pack_'d with the' camcorch'r. If"any pi_'c_'s
ar_, missing or app_'ar damaged contact your ch'al_'r imm_,diately.
Remoxe the plastic film that coxers the f_ont and side Iogos on the camcorder. [Jse
your fingernail, not anything sharp, to remove.
Save all packing materials and box in case the camcorder exer needs to be
shipped or stored.
Adjust the Hand Strap
1. Lift the flap on the, hand strap and s_'parate the" Velcro strip.
2. Insert your hand so your fingers can comf\)rtably reach the buttons.
3. Adjust the strap to fit snugly.
4. Refasten the strap, and fold the flap back down.
Chapter _ 11