
Vie in@ anl @@ nl@alin%
Install Drivers Automatically
1. '1_) instal the nec_,ssal T drivers automatical]y insert the inck]ded software CD into
the CD drive and double click on the Setup exe icon.
2. Follow the directions on the screen and click Finish to restart the computer.
3. Afl_,r the machine is restarted, connect the card reader to an available USB port of
your computer. Tim computer will automatically detect tile new hardware and the
card reader will appear as a Remoz'able Dixie icon when you click on _/{)' C?)nTp_ften
Install Drivers Manually
1. 'I_) install the n_cessmT drivers manually, insert the included software CI) into the
CD drive.
2. Connect the card reader to an awdlable /]SB port of your computer. ['he computer
will automatically detect the new hardware and ask you fi)r a driver.
3. Select &)arcb jbr the best driz,_r fi)r your dez ice and click Next
4. When the next screen appears asking where to search for the driver, select (2/) ROM
driz'e and Spec{[_' a location ['ype in !):\driz'er (I) being the Iocatkm of your CD
ROM drive). Click on Next.
5. Windows will search fi)r tile driver and display the screen showing
D\])RIVER\SI)MM(]OZII;'_:FaI_er it locates tile driver. Click _\extto have Windows
install the driver.
6. The computer will now automatically detect the new hardware and the card reader
will appear as a Remoz'ab_ Disla icon when you click on _ (_m[_ute_
1. Conn_,ct the card reader to an available US[3 port of your computc'r.
2. 'l'b_' comput_'r will automatically detect the n_'w hardware and the card reader will
3ppc_ar 3s 3n icon on yoLlr conlpLlt_r.
If your card reader does not appear when you turn on or reboot your computer, try
replugging in the USB cable
Consult your computer or device's owner's manual for USB port specifications and