
@ her Enf@rmat @n
Watch Out for Static Electricity.
Do not let dirt or other f_)reign matter nccumulate on the card contacts, or touch
them with your fingers or rub or scrape them. Static ch, ctricity may damage (erase)
data on the card. Ck'an th_, card by wiping it gently with a soft d W c]ofl_.
When carwing or storing the card, place it in the plastic (polyethylene) bag it was
originally packed in to keep dirt and dust off the contacts and protect it from static
electricity. (This polyethylene bag has been given anti-static treatment.)
Watch Out For Condensation.
Moisture (condensation) may _)rm inside and outside the card if it is carried in_) an
area subject to sudden, large changes of temperature. Watch out for condensation,
because it can cause malfunctions.
When moisture condenses on the card, leave the card at the prevailing temperature
until the drops of moisture evaporate on their own.
Protect Your Image Data.
It is best to copy your valuable imag_' data f)'om tb_ card onto some other medium
(p(q'sonal computer floppy disk MO disk ('tc.) and to backup the contents.
Malfunction, repair, and so on can cause the recorded images to disappear from the
Make absolutely sure not to remove the card or turn the camcorder power off while
the card is recording data, erasing data, or formatting (initializing). This can cause
loss of data and damage to the card.
Initializing the card will erase the data on it. Make sure no important image data is
recorded on the card before you initialize it.
Please be aware that Thomson multimedia Inc. will not be liable fi)r any damages
resulting from loss of data caused by incorrect handling of the card by you or a third
party, or caused by exposure to static electricity or electrical noise or by malfunction.