
Usin@ the @n t@rs
User Modes
During recording, you can select ti_ree differem lser Modes that determine which
menus appear when you press the MENUiI)ISPLAY bu_)n. The menus have different
_mctions available on the menu screens that appear.
Select a User Mode
1. Open the LCI) monitor and adjust the angle f\)r
conw'niem viewing.
2. Set the DSC MODE and POWER switches to the
desired recording settings.
3. Set the EASY/MAN{]AL/AUTO switch to the
mode you want to use.
Set the switch to AUTO fl)r normal recording.
These menus let you adjust all of the
camcorder functions except the manual
Set the switch to EASY to display a menu
with only basic recording functk)ns.
Set the switch to MANI AL to adiust all
settings including the manual settings for
fi)cus, shutter speeds, and exposure.
The indicator for the mode you select is
The EASYIMANUAL/AUTO switch has no
function during playback
All manual settings are cancelled when
you set the EASY/MANUAL/AUTO switch
to AUTO,
The example screens used in this
manual assume the EASYIMANUALI
AUTO switch is set to AUTO unless
indicated otherwise.
The example screens in this manual are
for explanation purposes, and may
differ slightly from the actual screen