
Gamma Brightness
['he Gamma Brightness feature improves the picture [_y increasing the brightness of the
image. Use this when a subject is backlit or when recording in a dark or poorly
illuminated area. ['be image will appear dark if it is recorded normally. LIGflTwill
appear on the monitor when the Iigbt is insufficient.
1. Press in the Lock button and set the POWER
switch to CAMERA.
- &o
In the Record-Standby mode, press the MEN[J7
DISPLAY button to turn on displays.
Press (.:AMMA to brighten the image.
GAMMA turns yellow on the LCI) monitor.
Press (/AMMA again to brighten tim picture
even more. The [] indicator appears.
When only GAMMA is displayed, the
subject becomes brighter while leaving
the brighter portions of the image
unaffected. When [] is displayed, the
brighter portions of the image get
whited out.
Some picture noise appears when using
Gamma Brightness while LIGHT is
Fine brightness adjustment is possible
using Exposure.
To Cancel Gamma Brightness Compensation
Press (.:A,_clMAuntil [] disappears