
Playback on a TV (or VCR) with Audio/Video/S-Video
Input Jacks
1. Turn on the, ['V ;rod tun_, it to th( _ video input channel or turn on the VCR _md set it
to the 'line or 'c_mnera mode'". (If" your VCR do_s not haw, a qin_'" or cam_,ra
mode,', consult the VCR users guide.) Opt, rate the TV as you normMly do to se_, the
signM coming from the VCIL
2. Open the LCD monitor.
3. Press in the Lock button and set th_ _ POWER switch to the PLAY position.
4. Press b'/ll burton to b_gin pkwback.
During pl_wback use the pl_wback f_,atul"eS.
5. Press when you are finished.
It is recommended to use the power supply instead of the battery for power to
achieve uniform playback.
Adjust the TV sound volume to its minimum level to avoid a sudden burst of
sound when the camcorder is turned on,
If you have a TV or speakers that are not specially shielded, do not place the
speakers next to the TV as interference will occur in the camcorder playback
Dubbing to a VCR
1. Following the illustration connect the camcorder and the VCR.
2. Press in th_ _ Lock button JIM set the' POWER switch to th__ PLAY position. Turn on
the VCRs power, and insert the" appropriate t_pes in the camcorder and VCR.
3. Mak_ _ sure the VCR is in fl_e appropriate MIX (LINR or VH)EO IN) mode and in the
Record Pause mode.
4. lse the camcorder s _ _ and I_/11 buttons to find :l spot just b_*f\)re the cdibin
point. Once it is reached, press I_/11 on the camcorder.
5. When you're ready to start recording, press I_/11 on the camcorder and press the
appropriate record button on the VCR.
6. When you want to stop recording, press the VCR's pause button and press I_/11 on
the calTlcorder.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for additional editing. Then stop the VCR and camcorder
when finished.