Instructions / Assembly

Wrapping your exposed ductwork and pipes with Reective Air can signicantly reduce your
heating and cooling costs by minimizing radiant energy loss. Condensation problems caused by
cold pipes as well as radiant heat loss by hot pipes can also be reduced. Your ducts or pipes can
be wrapped in one of two ways: Lineal Wrapping or Spiral Wrapping.
6.1 Lineal Duct Wrap
Reective Air provides an important
thermal break and vapor barrier for air
ducts. Unaected by moisture, it inhibits
mold and mildew. This lightweight, highly
exible product can easily be installed
around most complicated air ducts. The
99% pure aluminum surface is like a
mirror for heat, keeping the heat away
from cooler air in the duct and resisting
heat loss in the winter.
1. Measure the area to determine the
square footage of
Reective Air required.
2. Cut Reective Air to shape and wrap around the duct.
3. Tape all exposed adjoining seams with reective tape.
6.2 Water Heater Jacket
1. Stops 97% of Radiant Heat Loss
2. Conserves Heat
3. Clean, Non-Toxic, Non-Allergenic, No bers, Vapor/Air Barrier
Kit Contains: insulation, foil tape.
Reflective Air