Instructions / Assembly

When you are planning to install a reective insulation, it’s
important to remember that air space plays a key role in
keeping heat in and reecting it away. Typical installations
call for a ¾-inch air space between the insulation and the
cavity materials, as in a wall, to achieve optimal product
performance. Reective insulation is recommended for the
following applications.
- Pre-engineered steel buildings
- Residential, wood framed structures
- Walls, roofs, ceilings, crawlspaces and garage doors
- Block or concrete walls
- Concrete slabs
- Plumbing and HVAC
The applications where reective insulation should not
be used are “open-air” structures, structures without
exterior walls, structures with partial exterior walls, and/
or structures in which the insulation will be exposed to the
exterior elements, including direct sunlight, moisture, and/
or intense heat.
Ventilation And
Air Conditioning
Under Floor
Under Slab