System information

Room Status
This element uses color to represent the current status of a zone/room of a floor plan governed by a sensor (for
example, temperature, humidity, lighting).
Figure 79: Room Status
The Room Status element has the following runtime characteristics:
The polygon portion of the room status is presented as configured (for example, shape, scale, position); however,
the background fill and the border colors are determined by the status color (as defined within the system
preferences for the Site) that corresponds to the status of the object represented by the primary value binding.
If status information is not available (for example, the item no longer exists or the Room Status element appears
in the SCT), the fill color represents the Value Inaccessible system preference color.
When you place your cursor over the polygon portion of the room status, the polygon’s color brightens to reflect
the actual status color, and a tooltip displays the current status of the primary bound object.
If a Room Status element resides on a graphic with a Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms):
- Clicking the Room Status element selects that element and populates the Room Control Module.
- Clicking the selected Room Status element again navigates you to the Metasys item, URL, or application
you configured for the Room Status navigation binding.
If there is no Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) on the floor plan graphic, clicking the Room Status element
navigates you to the Metasys item, URL, or application you configured for the Room Status navigation binding.
123Ready Access Portal Help: Graphic Enterprise Library