System information

Status Summary
This element represents a status summary. The element provides the user interface for summarizing alarm, warning,
and offline statuses for a list of Metasys item references.
Figure 80: Status Summary
Figure 81: Status Summary with Value Inaccessible Panel
The Status Summary element has the following runtime characteristics:
The element counts and displays the number of items with an Alarm, Warning, or Offline status.
When you place your cursor over one of the statuses, a tooltip shows the number of items with an Alarm (includes
items with an Alarm and Unreliable Alarm status), Warning, or Offline status.
If the status of any of the bound Metasys items could not be retrieved, the element displays a Value Inaccessible
panel beneath the statuses (Figure 81).
If you configure a status summary with a Navigation binding, and you do not have View permission for that item,
the element is inactive. In all other cases, the entire element operates as a navigation hotspot. When you click
the element, the graphic viewer navigates to the Metasys item or URL.
The Ready Access Portal does not support navigation to an application.
124Ready Access Portal Help: Graphic Enterprise Library