System information

Heating-Cooling Coil
This element represents a heating or cooling coil, which is used for heating or cooling air.
Figure 88: Heating-Cooling Coil
The Heating-Cooling Coil element has the following runtime characteristics:
When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
When the current value of the Value binding within the Heating-Cooling Coil Primary group is:
- Closed - none of the coils are animated.
- 20% Open - coils animate and one quarter of the coil box is colored.
- 50% Open - coils animate and one half of the coil box is colored.
- 70% Open - coils animate and three quarters of the coil box is colored.
- 100% Open - coils animate and the entire coil box is colored.
The Mode binding within the Heating-Cooling Coil Secondary group supports two animations: summer and winter.
If the coil is used for heating in the winter, the animated color inside the coil assembly is red. If the coil is used
for cooling in the summer, the animated color inside the coil assembly is light blue.
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