System information

Trend Summary View Tasks
The following task section applies to the Trend Summary view:
Viewing Details on a Specific Trend
Trend Summary View Content
The Workspace title bar displays the name of the folder you select in the selection tree as the context of the view.
See Table 11 for details on the Trend Summary view.
Table 11: Trend Summary View Content
Shows a picture corresponding to the type of object that has a trended attribute. The icons match
the icons used in the Site Management Portal UI.
Note: This column does not have a name. Look for the column on the left with pictures.
Displays the name of the trended item.Item
Lists the status of the trended item. If the status is normal, this column is blank.Status
Lists the name of the Trend extension. If you are authorized, a link appears to the Trend Details
view for the Trend extension.
Lists the status of the Trend extension. If the status is normal, this column is blank.Trend Status
If the folder you select in the selection tree (Folder A) contains another folder (Folder B) with a
trended item inside it, this column displays the name of the trended item’s folder (Folder B).
If the trended item does not reside in a folder (that is, it simply resides directly under the item you
select in the selection tree), this cell is blank.
Trend Details View
The Trend Details view contains a table of data samples for the specific trend extension you selected in the Trend
Summary view.
Trend Details View Tasks
No tasks apply to the Trend Details view at this release.
Trend Details View Content
The Workspace title bar displays the name of the item you selected in the Trend Summary view as the context of
the view.
The Format button allows you to toggle the Trend Details view between table and chart format. This button appears
as a chart icon ( ) when you are in table view and as a table icon ( ) when you are in chart view (default view
The Time Frame (Hours) links allow you to change the time frame (in hours) for viewing the trend’s data samples.
Options are 1, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours. The default time frame is 12 hours.
The chart format of the Trend Details view shows a line chart tracing the value of the trend extension you selected
in the Trend Summary view. If you place your cursor over a point on the line, the value of the trended data sample
appears in a tool tip window.
The tabular format of the Trend Details view shows the value of the trend extension over time using a table with one
sortable column. See Table 12 for details on the Trend Details view (tabular format).
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