System information

Table 12: Trend Details View Content (Tabular Format)
Displays the date and time that the trend collected the data sample. This column
is sortable.
Displays the data sample value.Value
Tools Function Mode
Tools Function Mode Overview
The Tools function mode is accessible only by users with Metasys system Administrator access rights.
The Tools function mode contains the following view:
System Administration view
System Administration View
The System Administration view allows Metasys system Administrators to update the Ready Access Portal UI content
after making the following changes to the Metasys site:
Add, remove, or modify user views.
Add or remove trends extensions.
Add or remove field points.
Change bindings in User Graphics Tool [UGT] graphics.
Discover BACnet third-party devices or objects whose states text does not match an existing Johnson Controls®
standard set, resulting in the creation of a new user-defined enumeration set.
These changes do not appear in the Ready Access Portal UI until a Metasys system Administrator performs an
update. If you make any of these changes on an engine, issue an Archive command for the Engine object before
you update the Ready Access Portal UI.
When a Metasys system Administrator clicks the Update button, the Ready Access Portal logs him/her out of the
system immediately. All other users return to the log on page with their next click. You must log back on when the
update is complete.
System Administration View Tasks
Working in the Tools Function Mode
Refer to the Ready Access Portal Software Installation Instructions (LIT-12011523) for information on considerations
and tasks for Metasys system Standard Access Administrators.
System Administration View Content
Refer to the Ready Access Portal Software Installation Instructions (LIT-12011523) for information on considerations
and content for Metasys system Standard Access Administrators.
Task List
Click one of the following task sections for details:
21Ready Access Portal Help