System information

Error Handling
If an error occurs while stored trend samples are retrieved (for example, the bound trend object does not exist or its
supervisory device is offline), the chart line for this trend series does not appear. The error message Could not
retrieve trend information appears as a tooltip for the existing legend item.
Closing the Trend Module
You close the Trend Module by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the Trend Module screen.
Working in the Schedules Function Mode
See the following task sections related to the Schedules function mode:
Viewing a Summary of Schedules
Viewing Details for a Specific Schedule
Viewing Today’s Schedule
Viewing Temporary Overrides
Viewing Scheduled Items
Adding a Temporary Override
Deleting a Temporary Override
Viewing a Summary of Schedules
To view a summary of schedules:
1. Click the Schedules function mode button in the Function bar.
2. Select a tree from the Selection area drop-down list box.
3. In the selection tree, browse to a folder containing schedules. The Schedule Summary view appears in the
Workspace area.
Viewing Details for a Specific Schedule
To view details for a specific schedule:
1. Follow the steps in Viewing a Summary of Schedules to display the Schedule Summary view.
2. In the Item column of the Schedule Summary view, click a link for the schedule you would like detailed. The
Schedule Details view appears.
3. See one of the following sections:
Viewing Today’s Schedule
Viewing Temporary Overrides
Viewing Scheduled Items
Viewing Today’s Schedule
To view today’s schedule:
1. If you already have not done so, follow the steps in Viewing Details for a Specific Schedule to display the Schedule
Details view.
2. Click the Today’s Schedule tab.
Viewing Temporary Overrides
To view temporary overrides:
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