System information

Room Control Module
This element, intended for use with Terminal Unit graphics, displays up to five items of interest (such as room
occupancy and setpoint information) for any bound Metasys object. This Room Control Module is different from the
Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) in that it only displays the information for a single room (for example, it does
not dynamically update based on a selected room within a floor).
Figure 288: Room Control Module
The Room Control Module element has the following runtime characteristics:
It displays up to five Key Data Items. For information about the runtime characteristics of the key data items
within the Room Control Module, see Key Data Item.
It can be collapsed or expanded, but it cannot be resized.
It can be moved to another location on the graphic.
It displays the measurement units (for example, degrees Fahrenheit) for all displayed values.
It contains a semicircular gauge that displays the following information for the bound Metasys item (if configured
and available): high and low alarm limits, cooling setpoint, heating setpoint, high and low warning limits, and
common setpoint.
It contains an LCD that displays the current value for the object bound to the Primary Value. Right-click the LCD
to open the User Actions Panel for the Metasys item.
When you place your cursor over one of the components of the Room Control Module, a tooltip displays the
information for that component.
It displays a navigation icon (a right-pointing arrow in the lower-right corner of the module) when the selected
Room Status element is configured with a navigation binding. Clicking that navigation icon takes you to the
Metasys item, URL, or application that was configured for that Room Status. The Ready Access Portal does not
support navigation to an application.
It displays a warning icon with a message if the specified alarm is not configured or could not be found. The
messages are:
- Alarm limits are unavailable. No Alarm information is configured.
- Alarm limits are unavailable. Configured item could not be located. <alarm object
It displays a warning icon with a message if the Metasys item has misconfigured alarms or alarm limits. For
example: Alarm extension is not configured correctly. The High Warning limit is
greater than or equal to the High Alarm limit.
345Ready Access Portal Help: Graphic Enterprise Library