System information

This element represents a Button. It allows you (with proper authorization) to navigate to a Metasys item, a URL, or
an application.
Figure 16: Button
The Button element has the following runtime characteristics:
When the button is active, it brightens and changes to blue when you place your cursor over the button.
When you place your cursor over the button, a tooltip shows the full text of the URL, Metasys item, or application
to navigate to and the pointer changes to a finger pointer.
Buttons configured to be hidden have the same characteristics as visible buttons, but they are not visible in the
graphic. Hidden buttons are still active, and they provide the same tooltips as visible buttons.
If you did not define a navigation binding, no action takes place on a single left-click.
If the button navigates to a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP), a separate browser window or tab opens to the URL
when you click the button. This navigation is constrained by the capabilities of your browser and operating system.
If the button navigates to a file (for example, file:C\My Documents\Sequence of Operations.pdf), the appropriate
application starts and opens the file. If the application required to open the file cannot be found on the local
computer, the button does nothing when clicked.
If the button navigates to a Metasys item (for example, a graphic) with no alias, you navigate to the graphic after
clicking the button. If the button navigates to a Metasys item (for example a graphic) with an alias, the defined
alias string is resolved by the destination graphic, and you navigate to the graphic after clicking the button.
If you have permission to view the button’s bound Metasys item, clicking the button once takes you to that item.
If you do not have permission to view the bound item, the button is inactive (it is not clickable).
On the Ready Access Portal, the item does not need to be available in the selected navigation tree for the
navigation to work. If no associated Ready Access Portal view exists for the item to which you are navigating,
the following error message appears:
The linked item cannot be viewed in this application. A workstation is necessary
to view the linked item.
Navigating to an application is currently only supported on the Site Management Portal and SCT.
On the Ready Access Portal, browser security restrictions prevent you from launching applications. If you configure
a button to launch an application, the following error message appears when you click the button in the Ready
Access Portal:
Web browser security does not allow automatic launching of local applications.
Please use the Run command from your Start menu to launch the following: <APP PATH>
59Ready Access Portal Help: Graphic Enterprise Library