System information

State Square
This element represents a square. The square’s color indicates the current state of a Metasys item (for example,
lights on or off or equipment running or stopped).
Figure 25: State Square
The State Square element has the following runtime characteristics:
Its color reflects the current value of the bound item (for example, State 1 or State 2) as defined by the square’s
State Color properties. However, if the status of the bound item is non-normal (for example, offline), the square
color reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys system preferences.
In other words, the status color for a not normal item supersedes its state color.
When the value of the bound item is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the color as defined for State 0, State 1, State 2, or State 3 is
used. Any value greater than 3 uses the All Other States color.
It flashes when the bound item is in alarm if Basic Shape Flashing is enabled under Metasys system preferences.
Flashing behavior can be customized using the settings within Metasys system preferences (for example, flash
colors and flash duration).
It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.
68Ready Access Portal Help: Graphic Enterprise Library