System information

This element represents a two- or three-position switch for conveying the current state of the bound Metasys item,
and lets you send a command to the item.
Figure 27: Switch
The Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:
It displays the current value of the bound item by its switch position.
It displays at the first switch position if the value is 0, displays at the second switch position if the value is 1, and
displays at the third switch position if the value is 2. If the bound item is commanded to a state greater than the
number of positions shown on the switch, the switch moves to the first position.
It may display the status of the bound item within the inner circle of the switch. The colors used depend on
Metasys system preference definitions.
It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.
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