Installation guide

Chapter 11. KVM Para-virtualized Drivers
d. Finish
Press Finish to complete the installation.
5. Reboot
Reboot the guest to complete the driver installation.
Change an existing device to use the para-virtualized drivers (Section 11.3, “Using KVM para-
virtualized drivers for existing devices”) or install a new device using the para-virtualized drivers
(Section 11.4, “Using KVM para-virtualized drivers for new devices”).
11.2.2. Installing drivers during the Windows installation
This procedure covers installing the para-virtualized drivers during a Windows installation.
This method allows a Windows guest to use the para-virtualized (virtio) drivers for the default
storage device.
1. Install the virtio-win package:
# yum install virtio-win
Creating guests
Create the guest, as normal, without starting the guest. Follow one of the procedures below.