Installation guide

Chapter 18. KVM live migration
4. Verify the guest has arrived at the destination host
From the destination system,, verify RHEL4test is running:
[root@test2 ~]# virsh list
Id Name State
10 RHEL4 running
The live migration is now complete.
Other networking methods
libvirt supports a variety of networking methods including TLS/SSL, unix sockets, SSH, and
unencrypted TCP. Refer to Chapter 19, Remote management of virtualized guests for more
information on using other methods.
18.4. Migrating with virt-manager
This section covers migrating KVM based guests with virt-manager.
1. Connect to the source and the target hosts
Connect to the source and target hosts. On the File menu, click Add Connection, the Add
Connection window appears.
Enter the following details:
Hypervisor: Select QEMU.
Connection: Select the connection type.
Hostname: Enter the hostname.
Press the Connect button.