Installation guide

Directory-based storage pools
guest_images_fs active yes
6. Verify the storage pool
Verify the storage pool was created correctly, the sizes reported are as expected, and the state is
reported as running. Verify there is a "lost+found" directory in the mount point on the file system,
indicating the device is mounted.
# virsh pool-info guest_images_fs
Name: guest_images_fs
UUID: c7466869-e82a-a66c-2187-dc9d6f0877d0
State: running
Capacity: 458.39 GB
Allocation: 197.91 MB
Available: 458.20 GB
# mount | grep /guest_images
/dev/sdc1 on /guest_images type ext4 (rw)
# ls -la /guest_images
total 24
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 May 31 19:47 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 25 root root 4096 May 31 19:38 ..
drwx------. 2 root root 16384 May 31 14:18 lost+found
26.1.3. Directory-based storage pools
This section covers storing virtualized guests in a directory on the host.
Directory-based storage pools can be created with virt-manager or the virsh command line tools. Creating a directory-based storage pool with virt-manager
1. Create the local directory
a. Optional: Create a new directory for the storage pool
Create the directory on the host for the storage pool. An existing directory can be used if
permissions and SELinux are configured correctly. This example uses a directory named /
# mkdir /guest_images
b. Set directory ownership
Change the user and group ownership of the directory. The directory must be owned by the
root user.
# chown root:root /guest_images
c. Set directory permissions
Change the file permissions of the directory.
# chmod 700 /guest_images
d. Verify the changes
Verify the permissions were modified. The output shows a correctly configured empty
# ls -la /guest_images