Installation guide

Chapter 4.
Virtualization limitations
This chapter covers additional support and product limitations of the virtualization packages in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 6.
4.1. General limitations for virtualization
Other limitations
For the list of all other limitations and issues affecting virtualization read the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
6 Release Notes. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Release Notes cover the present new features,
known issues and limitations as they are updated or discovered.
Test before deployment
You should test for the maximum anticipated load and virtualized network stress before deploying
heavy I/O applications. Stress testing is important as there are performance drops caused by
virtualization with increased I/O usage.
4.2. KVM limitations
The following limitations apply to the KVM hypervisor:
Maximum VCPUs per guest
Virtualized guests support up to a maximum of 64 virtualized CPUs in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Constant TSC bit
Systems without a Constant Time Stamp Counter require additional configuration. Refer to
Chapter 14, KVM guest timing management for details on determining whether you have a
Constant Time Stamp Counter and configuration steps for fixing any related issues.
Memory overcommit
KVM supports memory overcommit and can store the memory of guests in swap. A guest will run
slower if it is swapped frequently. When KSM is used, make sure that the swap size is the size of
the overcommit ratio.
CPU overcommit
It is not recommended to have more than 10 virtual CPUs per physical processor core. Any
number of overcommitted virtual CPUs above the number of physical processor cores may cause
problems with certain virtualized guests.
Overcommitting CPUs has some risk and can lead to instability. Refer to Chapter 20,
Overcommitting with KVM for tips and recommendations on overcommitting CPUs.
Virtualized SCSI devices
SCSI emulation is limited to 16 virtualized (emulated) SCSI devices..
Virtualized IDE devices
KVM is limited to a maximum of four virtualized (emulated) IDE devices per guest.