Installation guide

Command Description
the XML definition for the storage pool without
creating the storage pool.
pool-destroy Permanently destroys a storage pool in
libvirt. The raw data contained in the storage
pool is not changed and can be recovered with
the pool-create command.
pool-delete Destroys the storage resources used by
a storage pool. This operation cannot be
recovered. The storage pool still exists after this
command but all data is deleted.
pool-dumpxml Prints the XML definition for a storage pool.
pool-edit Opens the XML definition file for a storage pool
in the users default text editor.
pool-info Returns information about a storage pool.
pool-list Lists storage pools known to libvirt. By default,
pool-list lists pools in use by active guests.
The --inactive parameter lists inactive pools
and the --all parameter lists all pools.
pool-undefine Deletes the definition for an inactive storage
pool-uuid Returns the UUID of the named pool.
pool-name Prints a storage pool's name when provided the
UUID of a storage pool.
pool-refresh Refreshes the list of volumes contained in a
storage pool.
pool-start Starts a storage pool that is defined but inactive.
This table contains miscellaneous virsh commands:
Table 30.4. Miscellaneous options
Command Description
version Displays the version of virsh
nodeinfo Outputs information about the hypervisor
Connecting to the hypervisor
Connect to a hypervisor session with virsh:
# virsh connect {name}
Where {name} is the machine name (hostname) or URL of the hypervisor. To initiate a read-only
connection, append the above command with --readonly.
Creating a virtual machine XML dump (configuration file)
Output a guest's XML configuration file with virsh:
# virsh dumpxml {guest-id, guestname or uuid}