Installation guide

Chapter 30. Managing guests with virsh
You can control the behavior of the rebooting guest by modifying the on_reboot element in the
guest's configuration file.
Forcing a guest to stop
Force a guest to stop with the virsh command:
# virsh destroy {domain-id, domain-name or domain-uuid}
This command does an immediate ungraceful shutdown and stops the specified guest. Using
virsh destroy can corrupt guest file systems . Use the destroy option only when the guest is
Getting the domain ID of a guest
To get the domain ID of a guest:
# virsh domid {domain-name or domain-uuid}
Getting the domain name of a guest
To get the domain name of a guest:
# virsh domname {domain-id or domain-uuid}
Getting the UUID of a guest
To get the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for a guest:
# virsh domuuid {domain-id or domain-name}
An example of virsh domuuid output:
# virsh domuuid r5b2-mySQL01
Displaying guest Information
Using virsh with the guest's domain ID, domain name or UUID you can display information on the
specified guest:
# virsh dominfo {domain-id, domain-name or domain-uuid}
This is an example of virsh dominfo output:
# virsh dominfo r5b2-mySQL01
id: 13
name: r5b2-mysql01
uuid: 4a4c59a7-ee3f-c781-96e4-288f2862f011
os type: linux
state: blocked
cpu(s): 1
cpu time: 11.0s
max memory: 512000 kb