Installation guide

Creating a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest with local installation media
Figure 7.5. The Create a new virtual machine window - Step 2
Press Forward to continue.
5. Set RAM and virtual CPUs
Choose appropriate values for the virtualized CPUs and RAM allocation. These values affect the
host's and guest's performance. Memory and virtualized CPUs can be overcommitted, for more
information on overcommitting refer to Chapter 20, Overcommitting with KVM.
Virtualized guests require sufficient physical memory (RAM) to run efficiently and effectively. Red
Hat supports a minimum of 512MB of RAM for a virtualized guest. Red Hat recommends at least
1024MB of RAM for each logical core.
Assign sufficient virtual CPUs for the virtualized guest. If the guest runs a multithreaded
application, assign the number of virtualized CPUs the guest will require to run efficiently.
You cannot assign more virtual CPUs than there are physical processors (or hyper-threads)
available on the host system. The number of virtual CPUs available is noted in the Up to X
available field.