Installation guide

Creating a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest with PXE
Figure 7.13. The Create a new virtual machine window - Step 1
Press Forward to continue.
7.3. Creating a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest with PXE
Procedure 7.3. Creating a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest with virt-manager
1. Optional: Preparation
Prepare the storage environment for the virtualized guest. For more information on preparing
storage, refer to Part V, “Virtualization storage topics”.
Various storage types may be used for storing virtualized guests. However, for a guest to be
able to use migration features the guest must be created on networked storage.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 requires at least 1GB of storage space. However, Red Hat
recommends at least 5GB of storage space for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 installation and for
the procedures in this guide.