Installation guide

vi rt-ed i t
A command line tool used to edit files that exist on a specified virtual machine. This tool is
installed as part of the libguestfs-tools package.
Using vi rt-ed i t on live virtual machines can cause disk corruption in the virtual
machine. Although the vi rt-ed i t command will try to prevent users from editing
files on live virtual machines, it is not guaranteed to catch all instances. Do not use
vi rt-ed i t on a live virtual machine.
vi rt-fi l esystems
A command line tool used to discover file systems, partitions, logical volumes and their
sizes in a disk image or virtual machine. One common use is in shell scripts, to iterate over
all file systems in a disk image. This tool is installed as part of the libguestfs-tools package.
This tool replaces vi rt-l i st-fi l esystems and vi rt-l i st-parti ti o ns.
vi rt-i nspecto r
A command line tool that can examine a virtual machine or disk image to determine the
version of its operating system and other information. It can also produce XML output,
which can be piped into other programs. Note that vi rt-i nspecto r can only inspect one
domain at a time. This tool is installed as part of the libguestfs-tools package.
vi rt-i nspecto r2
An alternative tool to vi rt-i nspecto r, written in C. This tool is installed as part of the
libguestfs-tools package.
vi rt-l s
A command line tool that lists files and directories inside a virtual machine. This tool is
installed as part of the libguestfs-tools package.
vi rt-make-fs
A command line tool for creating a file system based on a tar archive or files in a directory. It
is similar to tools like mki so fs and mksq uashfs, but it can create common file system
types such as ext2, ext3 and NTFS, and the size of the file system created can be equal to
or greater than the size of the files it is based on. This tool is provided as part of the
libguestfs-tools package.
vi rt-p2v
A graphical tool to convert physical machines into virtual machines. This tool is installed
as part of the virt-v2v package in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 and later.
vi rt-rescue
A command line tool that provides a rescue shell and some simple recovery tools for
unbootable virtual machines and disk images. It can be run on any virtual machine known
to lib virt , or directly on disk images. This tool is installed as part of the libguestfs-tools
Chapt er 5. Virt ualizat ion T ools